SBL Awards
As of October 1, the following awards are open for submission.
Please visit the award pages for submission requirements and additional information.
New SBL Member Benefit from JSTOR
JSTOR has invited SBL into a two-year pilot program that provides access for all SBL members to more than one hundred journals in JSTOR’s Religion and Theology Collection. To visit the collection, log in to the member benefits page and use the link in the JSTOR section. SBL is grateful to JSTOR for this member benefit through 2020.
Support SBL with your Amazon Purchases
Thank you to all our Amazon Smile supporters! If you haven’t signed up, just go to and choose Society of Biblical Literature as your charity of choice. Then make all of your future Amazon purchases via and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to us. It costs you nothing extra. This is a great time of year to get signed up as you can see, everyones small purchases add up!
You can also support SBL by linking to Amazon from this link.
SBL Calendar
See Events on the SBL Calendar
SBL on Twitter
shares content related to Bible Odyssey and biblical studies in general.
Want to continue conversations from the Annual and International Meeting? We recommend the hashtag #SBLsite on Twitter.
@SBLPress will be posting new publications, e-book releases, and special sales.
Support Bible Odyssey
As you prepare your next semester's courses, check out Bible Odyssey and support it with a gift. Your donation goes a long way in helping to foster biblical scholarship.
NEH Grants
The National Endowment for the Humanities offers grants to scholars and others engaged in humanistic research and teaching. Twenty-six grant programs support individuals, teams, and institutions doing work for other scholars, students, or the general public. Fundable projects include research for monographs, scholarly editions, preserving or digitizing archival collections, professional development for teachers, museum exhibits and documentaries. The NEH has a long record of supporting important scholarship in religious studies, including a variety of disciplinary approaches and religious traditions. A program officer will be available at this year's Annual Meetings in San Diego to talk one-on-one about grant programs and possible applications. Visit the NEH booth (#314) in the exhibit hall or write Daniel Sack at for an appointment. More information on the NEH and grant programs is at
Bible Odyssey
Bible Odyssey T-shirt
If you are in San Diego, visit the SBL Press Booth to pick up your official Bible Odyssey t-shirt for $15.00! Check out this year's t-shirt.
New Bible Odyssey Articles
Ancient Iconography and the New Testament by Davina Lopez
Samson by Paige Rawson
Caesarea Philippi by Agnes Choi
Second Creation by Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor
Righteousness by Faith by Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.
Herodians by Helen Bond
Galatia by Davina Lopez
Annual Meeting Updates The 2019 SBL Annual Meeting is a little over a month away. Here are a few details and information to help make your trip a success!
- Your name badge will be emailed to you the first week of November. It will be emailed from the address Please make sure the email address is listed in your address book so it won’t get stuck in your spam/junk mail. To update your name badge information, please follow the link and instructions located in your initial registration confirmation.
- We will close our hotel bookings on October 24th. If you have any changes or updates, please make these before October 24th by following the instructions in your registration confirmation. Any cancellations or changes between October 24th-31st must be received in writing to in order to avoid cancellation fees. Please do not contact the hotel directly until November, they will not have your information.
- Although we hope you don’t have to, the last day to cancel your registration and receive a refund for the SBL Annual Meeting is October 24th. Any cancellations after this date will not receive a refund. We must receive your cancellation in writing to
- For more information about the SBL Annual Meeting, including registration dates and times, travel information, etc. please go here.
- To view this year’s online program book, please go here
We will continue to update the SBL Annual Meeting website here with new information. If you have any questions, please contact us at
Call for Nominations for Council and Committees of Council
The Nominating Committee reviews nominations and nominates to Council for election members of standing committees and representatives to other organizations as required. The Nominating Committee also nominates to the Society for election at the Annual Business Meeting the President, Vice-President, and Council members. (Program Committees nominate and vote on Program Unit Chairs and report to Nominating Committee and Council. Research and Publications Committee nominates and votes on Book Series Editors and reports to Nominating Committee and Council. Members at the Business Meeting receive a report of all votes by Council, Research and Publications, and Program Committee. For more information on Policies and Governance, see the SBL Policy Manual.) For a list of the various committees and their responsibilities, see and select a committee to read its description.
The Nominating Committee will begin its work submitting names to Council to fill positions open January 2021. SBL Members are encouraged and invited to submit nominations. Members may nominate themselves. All nominees must be members in good standing of the SBL. The following committees will have positions open in 2020:
SBL Council
Vice President of SBL
Nominating Committee
Finance Committee
Annual Meeting Program Committee
International Meeting Program Committee
Research and Publications Committee
Professional Development Committee
International Cooperation Initiative Committee
Nominations should include: a summary of the nominee’s participation in SBL; a statement describing the nominee’s interest in that particular group; and a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vita. To submit a nomination, please email
Annual Meeting News
Register for the Annual Meeting with this link.
You will need your SBL Membership number and a valid Mastercard, Visa, or American Express credit card available when you register. Also, to receive the SBL member discounted rate you MUST log in to the SBL page too. Log in information is located on the left side of the page.
Please be aware, if you do not log in, you’ll only see non-member and affiliate rates, which are much higher, so you must log in to the SBL page first to receive the discounted member rate.
With more than 1,200 academic sessions, and workshops, along with one of the world's largest exhibits of books and digital resources for biblical studies, the SBL Annual Meeting is one of the largest events of the year in the fields of biblical scholarship, religious studies and theology. To view the online program book, please go here.
To review additional information about the SBL Annual Meeting 2019, including meeting dates & times, a hotel map and list of amenities, travel information, answers to frequently asked questions, people with disabilities information, etc. please click here. We urge you to bookmark this site as it will be updated frequently with the latest Annual Meetings 2019 information.
New from SBL Press
Women and the Society of Biblical Literature
Nicole L. Tilford, editor
In 1894, Anna Ely Rhoads became the first woman to join the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, an academic society devoted to the study of the Bible and its ancient context. Since Rhoads, the participation of women in the Society has increased dramatically. In this volume essays from more than thirty leading women biblical scholars from around the world reflect on the accomplishments and challenges that women have encountered in the Society of Biblical Literature over the last 125 years. The volume provides a window into the personal dimensions behind the academic study of the Bible in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for scholars and students.
Paperback • Hardcover • Kindle • Google Play
The Narrative Self in Early Christianity: Essays in Honor of Judith Perkins
Janet E. Spittler, editor
This collection of essays celebrates the contributions of Judith Perkins to the study of early Christianity. Twelve essays take her insights related to apocryphal texts, representations of pain and suffering, and the creation of meaning in various directions.
Paperback • Hardcover • Kindle • Google Play